
Qiyu Yang


Part 1: EDA

Insert cells as needed below to write a short EDA/data section that summarizes the data for someone who has never opened it before.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols as sm_ols
from statsmodels.iolib.summary2 import summary_col # nicer tables
from eda import insufficient_but_starting_eda

import math
%matplotlib inline
housing = pd.read_csv("input_data2/housing_train.csv")

category variables:

category_columns = [col for col in housing.columns if housing[col].dtype == 'object']
['parcel', 'v_MS_Zoning', 'v_Street', 'v_Alley', 'v_Lot_Shape', 'v_Land_Contour', 'v_Utilities', 'v_Lot_Config', 'v_Land_Slope', 'v_Neighborhood', 'v_Condition_1', 'v_Condition_2', 'v_Bldg_Type', 'v_House_Style', 'v_Roof_Style', 'v_Roof_Matl', 'v_Exterior_1st', 'v_Exterior_2nd', 'v_Mas_Vnr_Type', 'v_Exter_Qual', 'v_Exter_Cond', 'v_Foundation', 'v_Bsmt_Qual', 'v_Bsmt_Cond', 'v_Bsmt_Exposure', 'v_BsmtFin_Type_1', 'v_BsmtFin_Type_2', 'v_Heating', 'v_Heating_QC', 'v_Central_Air', 'v_Electrical', 'v_Kitchen_Qual', 'v_Functional', 'v_Fireplace_Qu', 'v_Garage_Type', 'v_Garage_Finish', 'v_Garage_Qual', 'v_Garage_Cond', 'v_Paved_Drive', 'v_Pool_QC', 'v_Fence', 'v_Misc_Feature', 'v_Sale_Type', 'v_Sale_Condition']

continuous variables:

‘v_Lot_Frontage’, ‘v_Lot_Area’, ‘v_Mas_Vnr_Area’, ‘v_BsmtFin_F’_, ‘v_BsmtFin_SF_2’, ‘v_Bsmt_Unf_SF’, ‘v_Total_Bsmt_SF’, ‘v_1st_Flr_SF’, ‘v_2nd_Flr_SF’, ‘v_Low_Qual_Fin_SF’, ‘v_Gr_Liv_Area’, ‘v_Garage_Area’, ‘v_Wood_Deck_SF’, ‘v_Open_Porch_SF’, ‘v_Enclosed_Porch’, ‘v_3Ssn_Porch’, ‘v_Screen_Porch’, ‘v_Pool_Area’, ‘v_3Ssn_Porch’, ‘v_Screen_Porch’, ‘v_Pool_Area’, ‘v_Misc_Val’

# this is my testing code to see all graphs:
# continuous_vars = ['v_Lot_Frontage', 'v_Lot_Area', 'v_Mas_Vnr_Area', 'v_BsmtFin_SF_1' , 'v_BsmtFin_SF_2', 'v_Bsmt_Unf_SF', 'v_Total_Bsmt_SF', 'v_1st_Flr_SF', 
#                 'v_2nd_Flr_SF', 'v_Low_Qual_Fin_SF', 'v_Gr_Liv_Area', 'v_Garage_Area', 'v_Wood_Deck_SF', 'v_Open_Porch_SF', 'v_Enclosed_Porch', 
#                 'v_3Ssn_Porch', 'v_Screen_Porch', 'v_Pool_Area', 'v_3Ssn_Porch', 'v_Screen_Porch', 'v_Pool_Area', 'v_Misc_Val', 'v_SalePrice']

# for var in continuous_vars:
#     plt.scatter(housing[var], housing['v_SalePrice'])
#     plt.xlabel(var)
#     plt.ylabel('v_SalePrice')
#     plt.show()
num_rows = len(housing)
print("Number of observation units:", num_rows)
Number of observation units: 1941
min_date = housing["v_Year_Built"].min()
max_date = housing["v_Year_Built"].max()
period = (max_date - min_date)
print("Time period:", min_date, "to", max_date, "is", period)
Time period: 1872 to 2008 is 136
(1941, 81)
continuous_vars = ['v_Lot_Frontage', 'v_Lot_Area', 'v_Mas_Vnr_Area', 'v_BsmtFin_SF_1' , 'v_BsmtFin_SF_2', 'v_Bsmt_Unf_SF', 'v_Total_Bsmt_SF', 'v_1st_Flr_SF', 
                'v_2nd_Flr_SF', 'v_Low_Qual_Fin_SF', 'v_Gr_Liv_Area', 'v_Garage_Area', 'v_Wood_Deck_SF', 'v_Open_Porch_SF', 'v_Enclosed_Porch', 
                'v_3Ssn_Porch', 'v_Screen_Porch', 'v_Pool_Area', 'v_3Ssn_Porch', 'v_Screen_Porch', 'v_Pool_Area', 'v_Misc_Val', 'v_SalePrice']
insufficient_but_starting_eda(housing[continuous_vars], ['v_SalePrice'])
   v_Lot_Frontage  v_Lot_Area  v_Mas_Vnr_Area  v_BsmtFin_SF_1  v_BsmtFin_SF_2  \
0           107.0       13891           436.0          1400.0             0.0   
1            98.0       12704           302.0          1012.0             0.0   
2           114.0       14803           816.0          1636.0             0.0   
3           126.0       13108             0.0             0.0             0.0   
4            96.0       12444           426.0          1336.0             0.0   

   v_Bsmt_Unf_SF  v_Total_Bsmt_SF  v_1st_Flr_SF  v_2nd_Flr_SF  \
0          310.0           1710.0          1710             0   
1          570.0           1582.0          1582             0   
2          442.0           2078.0          2084             0   
3            0.0              0.0          1226             0   
4          596.0           1932.0          1932             0   

   v_Low_Qual_Fin_SF  ...  v_Open_Porch_SF  v_Enclosed_Porch  v_3Ssn_Porch  \
0                  0  ...              102                 0             0   
1                  0  ...               95                 0             0   
2                  0  ...               45                 0             0   
3                  0  ...               24               120             0   
4                  0  ...               66                 0           304   

   v_Screen_Porch  v_Pool_Area  v_3Ssn_Porch  v_Screen_Porch  v_Pool_Area  \
0               0            0             0               0            0   
1               0            0             0               0            0   
2               0            0             0               0            0   
3             228            0             0             228            0   
4               0            0           304               0            0   

   v_Misc_Val  v_SalePrice  
0           0       372402  
1           0       317500  
2           0       385000  
3           0       153500  
4           0       394617  

[5 rows x 23 columns] 
      v_Lot_Frontage  v_Lot_Area  v_Mas_Vnr_Area  v_BsmtFin_SF_1  \
1936            79.0       13110           144.0           962.0   
1937             NaN        7082             0.0             0.0   
1938            60.0       10800             0.0           664.0   
1939            55.0        5687             0.0           210.0   
1940            60.0       12900             0.0          1300.0   

      v_BsmtFin_SF_2  v_Bsmt_Unf_SF  v_Total_Bsmt_SF  v_1st_Flr_SF  \
1936             0.0          191.0           1153.0          1193   
1937             0.0          686.0            686.0           948   
1938             0.0          290.0            954.0          1766   
1939             0.0          570.0            780.0           936   
1940             0.0            0.0           1300.0          1140   

      v_2nd_Flr_SF  v_Low_Qual_Fin_SF  ...  v_Open_Porch_SF  v_Enclosed_Porch  \
1936             0                  0  ...              153                 0   
1937           980                  0  ...                0               228   
1938           648                  0  ...                0                 0   
1939           780                  0  ...              184                 0   
1940             0                  0  ...                0               190   

      v_3Ssn_Porch  v_Screen_Porch  v_Pool_Area  v_3Ssn_Porch  v_Screen_Porch  \
1936             0               0            0             0               0   
1937             0               0            0             0               0   
1938             0               0            0             0               0   
1939             0               0            0             0               0   
1940             0               0            0             0               0   

      v_Pool_Area  v_Misc_Val  v_SalePrice  
1936            0           0       146500  
1937            0           0       160000  
1938            0           0       160000  
1939            0           0       135900  
1940            0           0        95541  

[5 rows x 23 columns] 
Index(['v_Lot_Frontage', 'v_Lot_Area', 'v_Mas_Vnr_Area', 'v_BsmtFin_SF_1',
       'v_BsmtFin_SF_2', 'v_Bsmt_Unf_SF', 'v_Total_Bsmt_SF', 'v_1st_Flr_SF',
       'v_2nd_Flr_SF', 'v_Low_Qual_Fin_SF', 'v_Gr_Liv_Area', 'v_Garage_Area',
       'v_Wood_Deck_SF', 'v_Open_Porch_SF', 'v_Enclosed_Porch', 'v_3Ssn_Porch',
       'v_Screen_Porch', 'v_Pool_Area', 'v_3Ssn_Porch', 'v_Screen_Porch',
       'v_Pool_Area', 'v_Misc_Val', 'v_SalePrice'],
The shape is:  (1941, 23) 
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1941 entries, 0 to 1940
Data columns (total 23 columns):
 #   Column             Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------             --------------  -----  
 0   v_Lot_Frontage     1620 non-null   float64
 1   v_Lot_Area         1941 non-null   int64  
 2   v_Mas_Vnr_Area     1923 non-null   float64
 3   v_BsmtFin_SF_1     1940 non-null   float64
 4   v_BsmtFin_SF_2     1940 non-null   float64
 5   v_Bsmt_Unf_SF      1940 non-null   float64
 6   v_Total_Bsmt_SF    1940 non-null   float64
 7   v_1st_Flr_SF       1941 non-null   int64  
 8   v_2nd_Flr_SF       1941 non-null   int64  
 9   v_Low_Qual_Fin_SF  1941 non-null   int64  
 10  v_Gr_Liv_Area      1941 non-null   int64  
 11  v_Garage_Area      1940 non-null   float64
 12  v_Wood_Deck_SF     1941 non-null   int64  
 13  v_Open_Porch_SF    1941 non-null   int64  
 14  v_Enclosed_Porch   1941 non-null   int64  
 15  v_3Ssn_Porch       1941 non-null   int64  
 16  v_Screen_Porch     1941 non-null   int64  
 17  v_Pool_Area        1941 non-null   int64  
 18  v_3Ssn_Porch       1941 non-null   int64  
 19  v_Screen_Porch     1941 non-null   int64  
 20  v_Pool_Area        1941 non-null   int64  
 21  v_Misc_Val         1941 non-null   int64  
 22  v_SalePrice        1941 non-null   int64  
dtypes: float64(7), int64(16)
memory usage: 348.9 KB
Info: None 
       v_Lot_Frontage     v_Lot_Area  v_Mas_Vnr_Area  v_BsmtFin_SF_1  \
count     1620.000000    1941.000000     1923.000000     1940.000000   
mean        69.301235   10284.770222      104.846074      436.986598   
std         23.978101    7832.295527      184.982611      457.815715   
min         21.000000    1470.000000        0.000000        0.000000   
25%         58.000000    7420.000000        0.000000        0.000000   
50%         68.000000    9450.000000        0.000000      361.500000   
75%         80.000000   11631.000000      168.000000      735.250000   
max        313.000000  164660.000000     1600.000000     5644.000000   

       v_BsmtFin_SF_2  v_Bsmt_Unf_SF  v_Total_Bsmt_SF  v_1st_Flr_SF  \
count     1940.000000    1940.000000      1940.000000   1941.000000   
mean        49.247938     567.437629      1053.672165   1161.071613   
std        169.555232     439.600535       438.662147    396.945408   
min          0.000000       0.000000         0.000000    334.000000   
25%          0.000000     225.750000       796.750000    886.000000   
50%          0.000000     474.000000       989.500000   1085.000000   
75%          0.000000     815.000000      1295.250000   1383.000000   
max       1474.000000    2153.000000      6110.000000   5095.000000   

       v_2nd_Flr_SF  v_Low_Qual_Fin_SF  ...  v_Open_Porch_SF  \
count   1941.000000        1941.000000  ...      1941.000000   
mean     340.955178           4.282329  ...        49.157135   
std      434.242152          42.943917  ...        70.296277   
min        0.000000           0.000000  ...         0.000000   
25%        0.000000           0.000000  ...         0.000000   
50%        0.000000           0.000000  ...        28.000000   
75%      717.000000           0.000000  ...        72.000000   
max     2065.000000         697.000000  ...       742.000000   

       v_Enclosed_Porch  v_3Ssn_Porch  v_Screen_Porch  v_Pool_Area  \
count       1941.000000   1941.000000     1941.000000  1941.000000   
mean          22.947965      2.249871       16.249871     3.386399   
std           65.249307     22.416832       56.748086    43.695267   
min            0.000000      0.000000        0.000000     0.000000   
25%            0.000000      0.000000        0.000000     0.000000   
50%            0.000000      0.000000        0.000000     0.000000   
75%            0.000000      0.000000        0.000000     0.000000   
max         1012.000000    407.000000      576.000000   800.000000   

       v_3Ssn_Porch  v_Screen_Porch  v_Pool_Area    v_Misc_Val    v_SalePrice  
count   1941.000000     1941.000000  1941.000000   1941.000000    1941.000000  
mean       2.249871       16.249871     3.386399     52.553838  182033.238022  
std       22.416832       56.748086    43.695267    616.064459   80407.100395  
min        0.000000        0.000000     0.000000      0.000000   13100.000000  
25%        0.000000        0.000000     0.000000      0.000000  130000.000000  
50%        0.000000        0.000000     0.000000      0.000000  161900.000000  
75%        0.000000        0.000000     0.000000      0.000000  215000.000000  
max      407.000000      576.000000   800.000000  17000.000000  755000.000000  

[8 rows x 23 columns] 
v_SalePrice has 820 values and its top 10 most common are:
140000    26
135000    23
145000    21
130000    21
155000    18
120000    16
170000    15
250000    14
160000    14
127000    14
Name: v_SalePrice, dtype: int64 
v_MS_SubClass v_Lot_Frontage v_Lot_Area v_Overall_Qual v_Overall_Cond v_Year_Built v_Year_Remod/Add v_Mas_Vnr_Area v_BsmtFin_SF_1 v_BsmtFin_SF_2 ... v_Wood_Deck_SF v_Open_Porch_SF v_Enclosed_Porch v_3Ssn_Porch v_Screen_Porch v_Pool_Area v_Misc_Val v_Mo_Sold v_Yr_Sold v_SalePrice
count 1941.000000 1620.000000 1941.000000 1941.000000 1941.000000 1941.000000 1941.000000 1923.000000 1940.000000 1940.000000 ... 1941.000000 1941.000000 1941.000000 1941.000000 1941.000000 1941.000000 1941.000000 1941.000000 1941.000000 1941.000000
mean 58.088614 69.301235 10284.770222 6.113344 5.568264 1971.321999 1984.073158 104.846074 436.986598 49.247938 ... 92.458011 49.157135 22.947965 2.249871 16.249871 3.386399 52.553838 6.431221 2006.998454 182033.238022
std 42.946015 23.978101 7832.295527 1.401594 1.087465 30.209933 20.837338 184.982611 457.815715 169.555232 ... 127.020523 70.296277 65.249307 22.416832 56.748086 43.695267 616.064459 2.745199 0.801736 80407.100395
min 20.000000 21.000000 1470.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1872.000000 1950.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2006.000000 13100.000000
25% 20.000000 58.000000 7420.000000 5.000000 5.000000 1953.000000 1965.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 5.000000 2006.000000 130000.000000
50% 50.000000 68.000000 9450.000000 6.000000 5.000000 1973.000000 1993.000000 0.000000 361.500000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 28.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 6.000000 2007.000000 161900.000000
75% 70.000000 80.000000 11631.000000 7.000000 6.000000 2001.000000 2004.000000 168.000000 735.250000 0.000000 ... 168.000000 72.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 8.000000 2008.000000 215000.000000
max 190.000000 313.000000 164660.000000 10.000000 9.000000 2008.000000 2009.000000 1600.000000 5644.000000 1474.000000 ... 1424.000000 742.000000 1012.000000 407.000000 576.000000 800.000000 17000.000000 12.000000 2008.000000 755000.000000

8 rows × 37 columns

missing_values = housing.isna()

has_missing_values = missing_values.any()

# Use Boolean indexes to find columns containing missing values
columns_with_missing_values = housing.columns[has_missing_values].tolist()
count      1941.000000
mean     182033.238022
std       80407.100395
min       13100.000000
25%      130000.000000
50%      161900.000000
75%      215000.000000
max      755000.000000
Name: v_SalePrice, dtype: float64
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x1d508bce580>


print("Skewness: %f" % housing['v_SalePrice'].skew())
print("Kurtosis: %f" % housing['v_SalePrice'].kurt())
Skewness: 1.770820
Kurtosis: 5.342356

saleprice is not a standard normal distribution, so subsequent processing of this data is required

# The relationship between house price and area chart
var = 'v_Lot_Area'
data = pd.concat([housing['v_SalePrice'], housing[var]],axis=1)
data.plot.scatter(x=var, y='v_SalePrice')
D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\plotting\_matplotlib\core.py:1114: UserWarning: No data for colormapping provided via 'c'. Parameters 'cmap' will be ignored
  scatter = ax.scatter(

<AxesSubplot: xlabel='v_Lot_Area', ylabel='v_SalePrice'>


# The relationship between house price and area chart
var = 'v_Mas_Vnr_Area'
data = pd.concat([housing['v_SalePrice'], housing[var]],axis=1)
data.plot.scatter(x=var, y='v_SalePrice')
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='v_Mas_Vnr_Area', ylabel='v_SalePrice'>


# The relationship between house price and basement area chart
var2 = 'v_Total_Bsmt_SF'
data = pd.concat([housing['v_SalePrice'], housing[var2]],axis=1)
data.plot.scatter(x=var2, y='v_SalePrice')
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='v_Total_Bsmt_SF', ylabel='v_SalePrice'>


sns.boxplot(x='v_House_Style', y='v_SalePrice', data=housing)
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='v_House_Style', ylabel='v_SalePrice'>


PART 1: issues with data

Part 2: Running Regressions

Run these regressions on the RAW data, even if you found data issues that you think should be addressed.

Insert cells as needed below to run these regressions. Note that $i$ is indexing a given house, and $t$ indexes the year of sale.

  1. $\text{Sale Price}_{i,t} = \alpha + \beta_1 * \text{v_Lot_Area}$
  2. $\text{Sale Price}_{i,t} = \alpha + \beta_1 * log(\text{v_Lot_Area})$
  3. $log(\text{Sale Price}_{i,t}) = \alpha + \beta_1 * \text{v_Lot_Area}$
  4. $log(\text{Sale Price}_{i,t}) = \alpha + \beta_1 * log(\text{v_Lot_Area})$
  5. $log(\text{Sale Price}_{i,t}) = \alpha + \beta_1 * \text{v_Yr_Sold}$
  6. $log(\text{Sale Price}_{i,t}) = \alpha + \beta_1 * (\text{v_Yr_Sold==2007})+ \beta_2 * (\text{v_Yr_Sold==2008})$
  7. Choose your own adventure: Pick any five variables from the dataset that you think will generate good R2. Use them in a regression of $log(\text{Sale Price}_{i,t})$
    • Tip: You can transform/create these five variables however you want, even if it creates extra variables. For example: I’d count Model 6 above as only using one variable: v_Yr_Sold.
    • I got an R2 of 0.877 with just “5” variables. How close can you get? I won’t be shocked if someone beats that!

Bonus formatting trick: Instead of reporting all regressions separately, report all seven regressions in a single table using summary_col.

Clean the data and create variables

housing = (housing
               .assign(l_v_Lot_Area = np.log(housing['v_Lot_Area']),
                       l_v_SalePrice = np.log(housing['v_SalePrice'])


model = sm_ols(<formula>, data=<dataframe>)
parcel v_MS_SubClass v_MS_Zoning v_Lot_Frontage v_Lot_Area v_Street v_Alley v_Lot_Shape v_Land_Contour v_Utilities ... v_Fence v_Misc_Feature v_Misc_Val v_Mo_Sold v_Yr_Sold v_Sale_Type v_Sale_Condition v_SalePrice l_v_Lot_Area l_v_SalePrice
0 1056_528110080 20 RL 107.0 13891 Pave NaN Reg Lvl AllPub ... NaN NaN 0 1 2008 New Partial 372402 9.538996 12.827729
1 1055_528108150 20 RL 98.0 12704 Pave NaN Reg Lvl AllPub ... NaN NaN 0 1 2008 New Partial 317500 9.449672 12.668233
2 1053_528104050 20 RL 114.0 14803 Pave NaN Reg Lvl AllPub ... NaN NaN 0 6 2008 New Partial 385000 9.602585 12.860999
3 2213_909275160 20 RL 126.0 13108 Pave NaN IR2 HLS AllPub ... NaN NaN 0 6 2007 WD Normal 153500 9.480978 11.941456
4 1051_528102030 20 RL 96.0 12444 Pave NaN Reg Lvl AllPub ... NaN NaN 0 11 2008 New Partial 394617 9.428994 12.885671
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1936 2524_534125210 190 RL 79.0 13110 Pave NaN IR1 Lvl AllPub ... MnPrv NaN 0 7 2006 WD Normal 146500 9.481131 11.894781
1937 2846_909131125 190 RH NaN 7082 Pave NaN Reg Lvl AllPub ... NaN NaN 0 7 2006 WD Normal 160000 8.865312 11.982929
1938 2605_535382020 190 RL 60.0 10800 Pave NaN Reg Lvl AllPub ... NaN NaN 0 5 2006 ConLD Normal 160000 9.287301 11.982929
1939 1516_909101180 190 RL 55.0 5687 Pave Grvl Reg Bnk AllPub ... NaN NaN 0 3 2008 WD Normal 135900 8.645938 11.819675
1940 1387_905200100 190 RL 60.0 12900 Pave NaN Reg Lvl AllPub ... NaN NaN 0 1 2008 WD Alloca 95541 9.464983 11.467311

1941 rows × 83 columns

# one var: 'y ~ x' means fit y = a + b*X

reg1 = sm_ols('v_SalePrice ~ v_Lot_Area', data=housing).fit()
reg1b = sm_ols('v_SalePrice ~ l_v_Lot_Area', data=housing).fit()
reg2 = sm_ols('l_v_SalePrice ~ v_Lot_Area', data=housing).fit()
reg2b = sm_ols('l_v_SalePrice ~ l_v_Lot_Area', data=housing).fit()
reg2c = sm_ols('l_v_SalePrice ~ v_Yr_Sold', data=housing).fit()
reg2d = sm_ols('l_v_SalePrice ~ v_Yr_Sold==2007 + v_Yr_Sold==2008', data=housing).fit()
reg3 = sm_ols('l_v_SalePrice ~ v_Neighborhood + l_v_Lot_Area + v_Central_Air + v_Overall_Qual + v_1st_Flr_SF', data=housing).fit()

output them

info_dict = {'R-squared' : lambda x: f"{x.rsquared:.2f}",
           'Adj R-squared' : lambda x: f"{x.rsquared_adj:.2f}",
           'No. observations' : lambda x: f"{int(x.nobs):d}"}    
print(summary_col(results=[reg1, reg1b, reg2, reg2b, reg2c, reg2d, reg3],
            stars = True,
            model_names=['v_S1', 'v_S2', 'l_v_S1', 'l_v_S2', 'l_v_S3', 'l_v_S4', 'l_v_S5'],
            info_dict = info_dict,
            regressor_order=(['Intercept', 'v_SalePrice', 'v_Lot_Area', 'l_v_Lot_Area', 'l_v_SalePrice', 'v_Overall_Qual', 'v_Yr_Sold==2007 + v_Yr_Sold==2008', 'v_Neighborhood', 'v_1st_Flr_SF', 'v_Central_Air']
                               v_S1            v_S2        l_v_S1     l_v_S2    l_v_S3    l_v_S4     l_v_S5  
Intercept                 154789.5502*** -327915.8023*** 11.8941*** 9.4051*** 22.2932   12.0229*** 9.5884*** 
                          (2911.5906)    (30221.3471)    (0.0146)   (0.1511)  (22.9368) (0.0161)   (0.0969)  
v_Lot_Area                2.6489***                      0.0000***                                           
                          (0.2252)                       (0.0000)                                            
l_v_Lot_Area                             56028.1700***              0.2883***                      0.1481*** 
                                         (3315.1392)                (0.0166)                       (0.0109)  
v_Overall_Qual                                                                                     0.1454*** 
v_1st_Flr_SF                                                                                       0.0002*** 
v_Neighborhood[T.Mitchel]                                                                          -0.1745***
v_Neighborhood[T.NPkVill]                                                                          -0.1376** 
v_Neighborhood[T.NWAmes]                                                                           -0.1308***
v_Neighborhood[T.NoRidge]                                                                          0.1583*** 
v_Neighborhood[T.NridgHt]                                                                          0.0710    
v_Neighborhood[T.OldTown]                                                                          -0.2524***
v_Neighborhood[T.SWISU]                                                                            -0.1510***
v_Neighborhood[T.SawyerW]                                                                          -0.0972** 
v_Neighborhood[T.Sawyer]                                                                           -0.2035***
v_Neighborhood[T.Somerst]                                                                          -0.0169   
v_Neighborhood[T.StoneBr]                                                                          0.0640    
v_Neighborhood[T.Timber]                                                                           -0.0356   
v_Neighborhood[T.Veenker]                                                                          -0.0629   
v_Yr_Sold                                                                     -0.0051                        
v_Yr_Sold == 2007[T.True]                                                               0.0256               
v_Neighborhood[T.NAmes]                                                                            -0.2019***
v_Neighborhood[T.MeadowV]                                                                          -0.1611***
v_Neighborhood[T.ClearCr]                                                                          -0.0639   
v_Neighborhood[T.Landmrk]                                                                          -0.1119   
v_Central_Air[T.Y]                                                                                 0.1704*** 
v_Neighborhood[T.Blueste]                                                                          -0.0709   
v_Neighborhood[T.BrDale]                                                                           -0.2530***
v_Neighborhood[T.BrkSide]                                                                          -0.2447***
v_Yr_Sold == 2008[T.True]                                                               -0.0103              
v_Neighborhood[T.CollgCr]                                                                          -0.0794*  
v_Neighborhood[T.Crawfor]                                                                          -0.0200   
v_Neighborhood[T.Edwards]                                                                          -0.2451***
v_Neighborhood[T.Gilbert]                                                                          -0.0819*  
v_Neighborhood[T.Greens]                                                                           -0.1468*  
v_Neighborhood[T.GrnHill]                                                                          0.1903    
v_Neighborhood[T.IDOTRR]                                                                           -0.3619***
R-squared                 0.0666         0.1284          0.0646     0.1350    0.0001    0.0014     0.8214    
R-squared Adj.            0.0661         0.1279          0.0641     0.1345    -0.0004   0.0004     0.8185    
R-squared                 0.07           0.13            0.06       0.13      0.00      0.00       0.82      
Adj R-squared             0.07           0.13            0.06       0.13      -0.00     0.00       0.82      
No. observations          1941           1941            1941       1941      1941      1941       1941      
Standard errors in parentheses.
* p<.1, ** p<.05, ***p<.01

Part 3: Regression interpretation

Insert cells as needed below to answer these questions. Note that $i$ is indexing a given house, and $t$ indexes the year of sale.

  1. If you didn’t use the summary_col trick, list $\beta_1$ for Models 1-6 to make it easier on your graders.
  2. Interpret $\beta_1$ in Model 2.
  3. Interpret $\beta_1$ in Model 3.
    • HINT: You might need to print out more decimal places. Show at least 2 non-zero digits.
  4. Of models 1-4, which do you think best explains the data and why?
  5. Interpret $\beta_1$ In Model 5
  6. Interpret $\alpha$ in Model 6
  7. Interpret $\beta_1$ in Model 6
  8. Why is the R2 of Model 6 higher than the R2 of Model 5?
  9. What variables did you include in Model 7?
  10. What is the R2 of your Model 7?
  11. Speculate (not graded): Could you use the specification of Model 6 in a predictive regression?
  12. Speculate (not graded): Could you use the specification of Model 5 in a predictive regression?
beta1 = reg1.params[1]
beta2 = reg1b.params[1]
beta3 = reg2.params[1]
beta4 = reg2b.params[1]
beta5 = reg2c.params[1]
beta6a = reg2d.params[1]
beta6b = reg2d.params[2]
print("beta1:", beta1)
beta1: 2.64893500071819
beta2: 56028.16996046535
beta3: 1.3092338465836551e-05
beta4: 0.28826331962293267
beta5: -0.005114348195977281
beta6a: 0.02559031997164772
beta6b: -0.010281565074485799
# Interpret $\beta_1$ in Model 2.
change2 = beta2/100 
print("if v_Lot_Area increase 1%, then saleprice increase by about", change2) 
if v_Lot_Area increase 1%, then saleprice increase by about 560.2816996046535
# Interpret $\beta_1$ in Model 3.
beta3_percentage = "{:.4%}".format(beta3)
print("if v_Lot_Area increase by 1 unit, then saleprice increase by about", beta3_percentage) 
if v_Lot_Area increase by 1 unit, then saleprice increase by about 0.0013%

Of models 1-4, which do you think best explains the data and why?

I think model 4 is the best explainable model because:

  1. In general, the beta value should be between 0 and 1. Too big is too extreme.
  2. R^2 the closer to 1 means the better the model fits the data. Therefore, model 4 has the highest value contrast with others.
# Interpret $\beta_1$ In Model 5
beta5_percentage = "{:.4%}".format(beta5)
print("if v_Lot_Area increase by 1 unit, then saleprice increase by about", beta5_percentage) 
if v_Lot_Area increase by 1 unit, then saleprice increase by about -0.5114%
# Interpret $\alpha$ in Model 6
alpha6 = reg2d.params[0].mean()
print("the average value of log of saleprice if X=0, alpha =", f"{alpha6:.4f}")
the average value of log of saleprice if X=0, alpha = 12.0229
# Interpret $\beta_1$ in Model 6
beta6_percentage = "{:.4%}".format(beta6a)
print("when the year is in 2007, the sale price is about ", beta6_percentage, "higher")
when the year is in 2007, the sale price is about  2.5590% higher

Why is the R2 of Model 6 higher than the R2 of Model 5?

One possibility is that the relationship between year and home sales price may show a nonlinear trend, such as showing an accelerating or slowing rate of change in year, and this nonlinear trend may make the linearity assumption of the first model too simple to explain well the variability of the dependent variable. The second model, on the other hand, introduces two dummy variables that may better fit this nonlinear trend, resulting in a larger R-squared value.

What variables did you include in Model 7?

I selected ‘v_Neighborhood + l_v_Lot_Area + v_Central_Air + v_Overall_Qual + v_1st_Flr_SF’

What is the R2 of your Model 7?


Speculate (not graded): Could you use the specification of Model 6 in a predictive regression?

Speculate (not graded): Could you use the specification of Model 5 in a predictive regression?

I don’t think these two models are predictive. First of all, the selected variables are too few to be informative, and the data are not preprocessed and there are too many null values, and then the data are too few to divide the data for training and testing the model.